
“If you’re truly determined to succeed you will! Those that NEVER give up transform dreams into realities!”
– Anonymous

I love the depiction of the frog in the throat of the bird.  It is so true for me personally, I am determined to win each and every day of my life.  Some days are better than others but there is no quit in me.  I believe that those of us that have walked the path of destruction as alcoholics or addicts know how to survive the un-survive-able!

We are survivors!  In recovery however we need to be Thrivers!  We need to thrive in the face of uncertainty and challenges.  We need to put our head down and do the work that it takes to recover.  We need to be bold and win, we are powerful human beings that have the ability to be outstanding in the face of adversity.  We have the key and the key is a true reliance upon God.

Go, Go, Go…

Dan 🙂